Musola Metalli and Giancarlo Boselli, artist from Sermide

Musola Metalli – soft copper and art

This time, a new project was born thanks to the collaboration with Giacomo Boselli, sculptor and chiseller, who chose us for our copper sheets (soft, Cu-DHP CW024A) dimensions 500x1000 mm. He used our copper to create “ENTRATA A MANTOVA DELL’IMPERATORE SIGISMONDO E LE SUE TRUPPE”, a piece inspired by the original low relief by Giulio Romano.

G. Boselli chiselled our copper sheets with burins, chisels, awls and hammers for a total of 11.000 hours of work. The piece is 29 meters long and 0,50 meters tall.

The frieze, which is now exposed in the famous Sala degli Stucchi at Palazzo Te (Mantua) was presented last July by the famous historian and art critic Vittorio Sgarbi. He awarded G. Boselli’s work with a national recognition:

“Such an impressive and precise work in Italy could only be realized by Boselli," - said Sgarbi - "a great artist-craftsman capable of measuring his flair on the subject by applying the lesson and style of the classics. The work deserves national consideration and prominence, and I will work to make it happen.”

Below you can see some parts of the work made in soft copper

Giancarlo boselliOpera in rame cotto dhpopera in rame cotto cw024a


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